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Some Final Thoughts
44 Wildcards: Deadlands - Twitter RP - Season 5
Reflections and Finale Tweets
Marshal: I'm still reeling from last night's #WildcardsRPG finale, but I just wanted to say once more...a huge thank you to everyone who tuned in to watch our game, at any point. We could never have done this without you all, and we never would have. So thank you :)
Gabriel: Coldwater Creek ain't what it used to be. Then again, neither are we. Maybe we'll finally have a chance for a bit of redemption... Or at least a chance to go down swinging.
Jordan Pridgen: Tonight marks the end of the longest and most emotionally-involved RPG campaign I've ever been a part of. WildCards has meant so ridiculously much to me, it's hard to believe that the stories of these characters is really coming to an end. It's been an honor Gabriel Prior has been perhaps the deepest I've ever gotten into a character, and it's going to be heart-wrenching to move on to someone new, but it also just feels right that the story should get a true ending, however it turns out. The story and world developed by JCC has been masterful, each of the interactions and characters he's played have had so much heart behind them that it made every moment exciting to be a part of. He made it impossible not to commit to the emotional tone of the show The other players, Meghan, Dom, Gaurav and all the guests we've had on have each proven to be tremendously talented, constantly surprising and challenging me in the best way. It's rare to play with friends you trust so completely. I'd also be remiss not to acknowledge the wonderful community that has grown around the show, @GunslingerAndy , @TheHussman , @knightsteed , just to name a few (Seriously I can't list everyone but I love you all) who have contributed art, toasts, stories, gifs, and heart I can't possibly overstate how much the viewers and the community they create matter to us. It means so much to me that people have bonded-over and been inspired by what we've made here. It is honestly humbling and exciting all the time. I should say it more often. Thank you to @PEG_Games for making this fantastic system and setting Savage Worlds Deadlands Reloaded , Clint Black and Jodi Black for all the support they've shown us, and to Saving Throw in general for providing the space, resources, and faith to make this happen. Thank you to everyone, and once more for good measure thank you to JCC , the best Marshal I could have hoped for, for bringing me in to play with you all. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next campaign. But for now, it's time to bring things to a close. I'm nervous and excited in equal parts, but mostly just glad I got to be a part of it all. Come join us tonight at 8pm PST on for the final episode of WildCards There's a chance we might go long
Rosaleen: It's been a wild ride, darlin's! But it's time fer someone else to take up this mantle. Go dté tú slán!
Meghan Caves: I don't think I've fully realized I'm not going to be playing Rosaleen anymore. When we started Wildcards we had the thought that we might jump around to different settings, but we did not realize how much this campaign and these characters were going to become such a big and important part of our lives. I know it may sound silly to some to talk about a character from a game like grieving for a loved one, but rpgs can be a safe place to try out things you can't in the real world. It can be a place that you process emotions in a way you didn't know you needed. It can be a place where you escape and play for a time in a magical world with a group of friends. Something that simple can be so so powerful in a world and a life in which we often have very little control. I've probably said this a million times already, but Rosaleen for me was a challenge. I created a character I was scared to portray. And I struggled with her for a time, but then I grew and I became more confident and it has been so very rewarding.
She has been like a friend holding my hand through a tough time, encouraging me when I needed it and being tough on me when I needed a kick. Playing her has been a piece on my journey to becoming more comfortable with myself as a person and that is just such an invaluable thing. I love her, I love the world she exists in, I love the other PCs she loves and I love the people at this table who helped create such a wonderful space to able to do this in. I have never been this moved by characters or a game before and I think that's because this has really been the first time that I have had a group of people who were all on the same page and who allowed it to be okay to take risks. And I knew they had my back. I've spent a lot of my life not easily trusting people and it is so very important that we have people we can trust. Experiencing that feeling here, with these people, and this character has made me feel safe in a way I haven't in a long time.
And YOU! You reading this, you who took part of this journey with us. I cannot possibly tell you how meaningful that has been. I know we have all said it, but it bears repeating over and over and over again. You all are the reason any of this was even possible. The fact that you have been there, Friday after Friday, or whenever you could watch it, honestly just blows my mind. When I wanted to become a performer, I wanted to be a part of things that might move someone or touch someone in a meaningful way. I think art and entertainment is so so important. It is a place where we can escape, we can learn, we can see stories of people that we relate to so we know we aren't alone, or stories that help us realize something new. Art can be a comfort or an escape or a hard truth. And to feel that maybe I got to be a part of something that maybe did that for at least a few of you is just incredible. It is so easy to be isolated in our world, but coming together and allowing ourselves to bare our souls in one way or another is very difficult, but very important. And you all allowed us to do that and you did it right back. So thank you so much! I really don't think Rosaleen, Wildcards would have been anywhere near as impactful without you. These characters are not gone. They will always be there. Maybe one day we can visit them again briefly, but for now I'll grieve the end, I'll look back on all of this with a full heart, and I'll look forward to what's next!
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