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A Saving Throw and Pinebox Entertainment RPG Event

Starting at Genghis Con in February of 2019, Saving Throw and Pinebox Entertainment joined together to bring you a three part Savage Worlds Deadlands Reloaded story in conjunction with the Doomtown card game Twilight Protocol Event. Join the Wildcards cast at Genghis Con, Chupacabra, and Tombstone to see each show live! Or watch the recordings below!

Twilight Protocol

Twilight Protocol

Twilight Protocol
Twilight Protocol, Part I: The Agency - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Twilight Protocol, Part I: The Agency - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Play Video
Twilight Protocol, Part 2: The Rangers - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Twilight Protocol, Part 2: The Rangers - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Play Video
Twilight Protocol, Part 3: Too Tough To Die - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Twilight Protocol, Part 3: Too Tough To Die - Doomtown/Deadlands RPG

Play Video

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