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Bogue Lights Out

14 Wildcards: Deadlands - Twitter RP - Season 2

James takes off in search of answers

James: Hotel is nice. Sleepin' in a church was... startin' to become unsettling. Wonder if I'm still gonna be first one up?

Marshal: I reckon so, James. In fact I'd imagine you'd make sure of it, seeing as how you have your first lead in months on Adrian Meeker. If you left word, I'm sure the others would understand...

J: dropped word with the hotel & a note with Gabriel & Rosaleen. Pretty sure Torte Law won't miss me. But I have huntin' ta do.

M: Sounds like an early morning ride. Where ya headed?

J: I'll head south first. Try to pick up the trail around the border. Meeker's a big fella, doubt he could hide from everyone.

M: You ridin' for the border of Colorado, or Mexico?

J: 'Less my geography's off the Colorado border is first. I'll check in there and assess. no intention of going too far afield without backup.

M: Sounds like a plan. Happy trails, James Bogue.

Torte Law: Whose going to buy me my breakfast soup now?

J: And silently in the pre-dawn hours Bogue saddles up Dot and rides south. Torte Law wakes up to find two weeks worth of soup cash.


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